Meals for Children in After School Programs

After school enrichment programs in many Philadelphia and suburban areas can receive meals for elementary and high school students at no cost and with minimal paperwork. Based on the needs of the children served, and the timing of the program, a site has the option of offering a snack or their choice of a cold or hot supper.

Meals are delivered to a site free of charge as long as the site has adequate storage for two or three day’s worth of meals. Daily paperwork is required.

Meal Options & Nutrition

Current After School Menus

  • December 2024 After School Cold Supper 
  •  January 2025 After School Cold Supper                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

Requirements for Participation

In order to participate in the after school snack or supper program, an organization must:

  • Provide school-aged children with enrichment programming outside of school hours
  • Be located in an area where the majority of students at the local public school receive free or reduced price meal benefits
  • Be non-profit with proof of 501c-3 status
  • Have at least 30 children in attendance everyday
  • Have refrigeration (and heating equipment, if necessary) for at least 2 days worth of meals
  • Attend an annual training at NDS
  • Maintain monthly paperwork

For more information about federal after school meals, visit the USDA website.

Click here for the USDA Nondiscrimination Statement