As we celebrate National Nutrition Month this month, the staff of Nutritional Development Services extends our gratitude to all the nutrition professionals who have crossed our paths through the years and who have enriched the work of NDS.
Many institutions of higher education with Nutrition and Dietetics programs, including Drexel University, Immaculata University, La Salle University, Community College of Philadelphia, University of Delaware and Virginia Tech and Penn State University, along with City of Philadelphia Health Department and WIC Program professionals, have been part of NDS’ efforts in Wellness and Health.
Many people from the above institutions have made lasting contributions to our mission. NDS acknowledges: Filomena Ahlefeld, Fran Alloway, Cynthia Barrar, John Byrnes, Lindsey De Caro, Monique Dowd, Mary Beth Gilboy, Jule Anne Henstenburg, Sister M. Carroll Isselmann IHM, Sue Johnston, Linda Kilby, Dorothy Koteski, Claire Kratz, Irmine Laud-Hammond, Lisa Laura, Lorraine Matthews, Tracy Oliver, Robin Rifkin, Tanya Thampi-Sen, Sandy Sherman, Patricia Thibault and Karen Wilson. Most of the persons listed have many initials and credentials after their names, but it is not the credentials that have made them special to us. Rather, it is their commitment to the health and well being of countless women, men and children.
One very special Registered Dietitian is NDS’ own Jean Falk. Jean first came to NDS as an undergrad student, returned years later as a grad student and has been an NDS staff person for nine years. Jean’s passion for her work is evident in her visits to schools, her mentoring of students and her interaction with staff, students and parents.
Our special thanks go out to Jean and all the committed registered dietitians who work with concern and commitment to positively impact the lives of others. Happy Nutrition Month!